Sunday, June 21, 2009

Meet the Whole Family (My Side)

Sunday, June 14th we had a big lunch for Jaxson Lee to meet my family (well as many that could come). It was so great to have everyone over. It really meant a lot to have everyone meet our little man. Also we played dress up with Jaxson in his swimsuit that his Aunt Jaimee and Uncle Jared got him... I think are the cutest pictures of him!

So freaking cute... getting a tan!
Catching some pool time!

Uncle Jared, Aunt Jaimee, Jaxson Lee, and Me

So cute... I love little polos!

With his great Grandma!

JoAnn (his Godmother), Micheal, and Jaxson Lee... It looks so natural!

Great Grandma and Jaxson and Me

Great Grandaddy, Sharon, and Jaxson

Cousin Emma helping me with Jax! She is so great with him!

Big Dave and Jax... What a great grandpa...

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